Our foundation has been built by a strong team of industry professionals, with over eight decades of combined experience in information technology and solution design. Dotzoo made its modest start with web development, when ‘Internet’ was new in the 1990’s. As the internet became more ubiquitous, and the popularity and demand for eCommerce grew, Dotzoo quickly forayed in to building shopping cart applications for our clients. Payment integration and security was a logical need of the hour, and enabling these for our clients became our routine. As our client’s needs expanded, Dotzoo started working on (ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning and (CRM) Customer Relationship Management Systems. Since 2010, through our in-house App Development teams, we strive to bring to life to your imagination in the mobile space!

Sarv Luthra | Founder & President
Sarv Luthra is the President of Dotzoo, Inc.. With 50+ years in Information Technology field, Sarv is a veteran of the evolving computer technologies. Having worked on exciting Operations Research to optimize routines - in the early days on Card punching machines using FORTRAN, to servicing scientists engaged in agricultural innovations and migrating Legacy systems. He has been at the forefront of enabling life through IT. With his extensive global IT industry experience, he is the 'Light House' for our leadership team.

Vikas Luthra | Co-Founder & CEO
Vikas Luthra is the Co-Founder & CEO of Dotzoo, Inc.. Having graduated in Business Administration from the University of Washington, he worked in Sales & Marketing for global consumer product giants like P&G and Rubbermaid, before working in web technologies. He was instantly drawn to the potential of the internet when it became a way of life in the early 1990's, and enjoyed the idea of driving value for our clients through innovative, yet affordable IT solution consulting. All this led to his co-founding 'Dotzoo' - which connected the various dots of business seamlessly through information technology. As an avid enthusiast in conceptualizing and creating futuristic solutions, he pioneered the transition of promotional marketing from the real world to the internet via digital coupons and deals for the masses. He actively leads both the client and technology development ends of the business and likes to stay up to date with emerging trends in IoT. Vikas is a sought after voice in Technology forums, was previously a Charter Member of TiE, a foundation which promotes new age entrepreneurship in technology. He has been a Speaker in CeBIT in Hannover-Germany, and CES in Las Vegas, NV. In his spare time, he likes to shop (gadget freak), listen to peppy Indian music and spend time volunteering in educational institutions and organizations.