Our team consists of young professionals, who each hold a minimum of bachelors degree. Having completed 4 years of rigorous Engineering education mostly with Information Technology specialization and also often having also gained a Masters, they join DzoApps with varying industry experience. We are proud to be a young team – with the average age of employees being only 28 years!

Technology Groups

Our experts are divided into teams based on their technology focus. We have clearly divided teams based on their skills, so that we can offer our clients parallel development for the various operating systems. The Web/Graphics and Database experts support the various OS teams. Our teams are organized as:

1. Android
2. iOS
3. Cloud Solutions
4. Web/Graphics UI/UX
5. Database Management


Our teams are organized around their skills and expertise. They also work cross-functionally, guided by a Project Lead, for each of our client projects.

The Project Lead assigns the various blocks of App Development , to ensure that the teams operate in close cooperation, specially when it involves building the same App across iOS and Android platforms. The Design and Database teams pool in their work, to effectively reduce the overall delivery time, as they work in parallel.

Our teams are project oriented. A strong testing methodology is followed and QUALITY is built in at every stage – so that the final delivered product is free from any bugs and errors. They teams place high importance to reducing redundancy in their code, and ensure all APIs minimize data fetch and delivery, to conserve on device resources.

Talk to our experts, and realize the power of developing iOS and Apps for your business. We can help you realize the benefits of mobile computing power, through custom built Apps.